Authors |
Kaiumova Leisian Khatiamovna, Postgraduate student, Ulyanovsk State Technical University (32 Severny Venets street, Ulyanovsk, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. In modern Russia the indicators of civil society, based on the initiatives “from below”, are the personnel of non-profit organizations (NPOs), the degree of integration of the population about their activities, the amount and nature of social capital of NGOs. The purpose of this article is to determine the nature of the interaction between non-profit organizations with social groups, identifying productive ways to improve communication structures of civil society.
Materials and methods. The analysis was based on summarizing the results of the All-Russian research, data processing and interpretation of copyright surveys of non-profit organizations, government, business, the media and the population of the Ulyanovsk region. The problem was studied from the perspective of the communicative approach, which allows to explore the integration of social actors that influence the civil society development; opens channels of networking for non-profit organizations.
Results. The non-profit organizations that are working in the region have problems that impede the development of civil society. The edentified problems relate not only to a lack of material and technical base of the “third sector”, but with poorly developed “social capital” – bonds with all groups and sections of the population, which are indispensable for the expansion of the space of civil society. Constant contact with the authorities and representatives of business, positioning activities in the media and Internet communication are the prerequisite for enhancing civil society resources.
Conclusions. The study identified the need to create a new intermediary structure that will help non-profit organizations in development of social capital – the Center for non-commercial communications at the Public Chamber. The center will connect the efforts of professionals in the field of communications and NGO leaders that will increase the amount of social capital and convert it into the structure of civil society.
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